Dogs are the Best People


I’m a certified and proud crazy dog lady! 🐶 I have two rescues, Luna (big white girl) and Loki (little tri-colour boy). Both are rescues and I wonder who rescued who most of the time.

I had dogs growing up but not in my adult life, until I adopted Luna 5 and a half years ago. They show me so much unconditional love, provide the most beautiful company, non-judgemental support ( they do know when you’re feeling down) and are my main reason to get out of the house when I don’t have a wedding on! Here they are looking really impressed because I interrupted their park time. 😂🥰 Did i mention that they’re hella entertaining?

I absolutely insist that you make your dog a part of your ceremony and I’m more than happy to help you plan around them. There are great organisations like Wedding Paws and Pets as Guests who will take good care of your dogs throughout and after your wedding ceremony.

It’s a requirement that I must pat all the dogs, and I promise I’ll focus on you during your ceremony, but if you’re looking for me later, I’ll be over there with your furry friend, who is really family right? And the very best people. 💖✨🌈

Photo by Lost in a Daze Photo Co.


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